New Website Launched, You're invited to see it!

The HGSC has a new website and membership directory, and needs for you to log in and update/confirm your information.

HGSC Website Launched!

The Harvard Gender and Sexuality Caucus, formerly the Harvard Gay and Lesbian Caucus, invites you to explore our new website! We have overhauled the website to give it a new look and new functionality.   We have great plans for our site- including pages for our chapters and interest groups, better communication with our members through more frequent newsletters, and using this page to organize events based on your input.  We have also been working to integrate with our existing web presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

HGSC and Harvard Alumni Association Connection

As a result of our collaboration with the Harvard Alumni Association, our website is now connected to the Harvard's main database system. This system will work for all our members, alumni, faculty, staff and students alike.  Unless you opt in, the HAA and the University will not receive any information you enter into the HGSC database, but existing and new information from the Harvard and HAA databases will be updated in our site, allowing us to better keep in contact with our members.  

Log-In Instructions:

This direct link to the Harvard database allows our members who are Alumni, HAA Associates and Students to manage one user profile for both the HGSC and HAA: their post.harvard account. If you have a post.harvard account or are an alumni/student and want to set one up, you can log in with your HAA username and password via this link: HAA Login. If you have not registered or forgot your password, the directions are below the login fields on that page. 

Our members who are Faculty, Staff or who don't want to use the post.harvard system will use the email we used to send you this message as their log on.  You will have to create a new password, then return to to log in.  You will be directed here by the link below the Harvard Alumni red button  and will be sent a temporary password that you can use to log in so you can then edit your profile after changing your password. 

Once you log on, please review the following items to assure accuracy:

  1. Profile information
  2. Chapter and Group registration
  3. Membership status.  

Review your membership

Please consider becoming a member.  Membership dues provide the financial support our community needs to host events and provide membership services each year, and only dues paying members can vote in our elections.  Joining as a dues paying member will help us greatly, especially joining at our new discounted three-year membership level, so please consider doing so if you have not.  Lastly, we remind you that you can add the Gay and Lesbian Review to your membership at a discounted rate and receive this premier journal of BGLTQ history, culture, and politics.

So now, please check out the site! 

An enormous amount of volunteer effort has gone into creating this website over the last few months, and this work will continue as we add new features in the coming weeks.  Check in to see how we are progressing! Your support, patience, and understanding are appreciated as we work out the inevitable kinks.

With our new website and your active involvement and support, the officers and directors of the club look forward to continuing to strengthen the Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Trans, Queer and allied Harvard community in 2015!