HGSC Newsletter - News and commentary from the Harvard BGLTQ community, published three times a year.
HGSC eNewsletter - Breaking news, member notes and chapter events, published monthly.
Online Directory - Listings for over 2,300 members, e-mail lists, and discussion groups.
Annual Commencement Dinner
- Each Commencement Day, several hundred Harvard gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer
and transgender alumni/ae, faculty, staff and graduating students
gather to celebrate, give out awards and host a prominent keynote speaker.
Social Events - A variety of social events are sponsored by the Caucus and its local chapters.
In Cambridge there is a Holiday Party, receptions after sponsored lectures, and
several receptions and cocktail parties during June Reunion Week and
fall reunion weekends. Local chapters in New York, Los Angeles, San
Francisco, Chicago, the District of Columbia and many of the other 30
cities and regions with chapters also sponsor social and educational
Annual Lectures at Harvard:
The Papadopoulus Lecture at the Kennedy School
The Burton Ross Pierce Lectures: A scholar in gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender studies visits the campus for a public lecture.
The Jon Pearson Perry Series: Readings, performances or talks by writers and others in the arts.